Monday, August 15, 2011

Trip to Canada

It has been several months since we last updated our blog.  We apologize for that.  We went to Canada for 7 weeks for a time of rest and doing some presentations.  However, the weeks leading up to furlough are always very busy since we want to leave with everything arranged for several months.  One of the things we wanted to have arranged was a pastor for the churches in Cubulco.  This required several meetings with him and the churches which meant frequent trips to Cubulco.  This also required moving the translation office to another house on the compound so that the pastor could move into the smaller house on the compound.  Even though it was a lot of work we are excited to say that the pastor and his wife moved to Cubulco a week before we left for Canada which was June 20.  The installation will be on August 20 and we hope to inform you of that in a week or so.
Our trip to Canada was good.  We spent the first 10 days in our house since the renters we had left the middle of June.  There was a lot of work to do getting the house clean and doing some minor repairs, yard cleanup, and moving our stuff out.  We had left the house more or less fully furnished for the previous renters whom were people we knew.  We had hoped to spend most of our furlough in our house, but the Lord provided new renters (who appear to be good ones) for the 1st of July.  At the end of June we moved in with Lia's mom and spent the rest of our furlough with her.
We had hoped to have done some presentations in different churches, but ended up only doing one in Chilliwack.  Summer time is usually not the best time for presentations so most of the churches we contacted declined because of other plans or many people being on holidays.  However, the presentation in Chilliwack was well attended.  Around 75 people showed up (some from Abbotsford and Langley).  We enjoyed the evening, although we do regret not having spoken more about what God is doing.  We mentioned a few examples, but afterwards felt we should have mentioned more examples.   It is something we need to keep in mind for future presentations.
We had planned to go to Alaska during our furlough, but this did not pan out.  We ran out of time and could in the end only squeeze in a trip to Edmonton to see Lia's brother and family and to do most of our shopping since you avoid paying the 7% PST.  We enjoyed the beautiful drive from BC to Alberta through Jasper.  We saw elk, moose, mountain goats, deer, a fox and other wild life and of course the beautiful lakes, streams, and the Rocky Mountains. 
Mt. Robson the highest peak in the Canadian Rockies

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