It has been a while since we last updated you on our family and our lives here in Guatemala. So much has gone on and there appears to be so little time to write it all down in a post. I will try and enter a few posts over the next few days so that you have a better idea as to what has been happening here. However, before writing about the work we would like to update you on what is going on with our family. This is part 1.

Over the past 8 months most of us celebrated our birthdays: Tristan in November, Lia in December, Myself in February, and Ellen and Nico in March. Jesse's birthday is the only one still to go, but that is in August. Thank you all for birthday wishes and cards that we faithfully receive in the mail from different ladies societies and people.
Health wise we are doing quite well, except
for the occasional bout of the flu. As some of you know, I had a cancerous spot removed from my
neck a few days after my trip to Colombia (March). I have had this spot for over a year, but never had a biopsy performed on it. I had gone to a skin cancer specialist a year ago who did not think it was cancer. He prescribed me a topical cream which healed the spot temporarily. However, it returned, would heal and disappear for a while and then return again. I went and saw another specialist and she did not think it was cancerous either. However, she did perform a biopsy which came back positive as cancer. It did not surprise me considering the amount of exposure to the sun I have had in my time working in Guatemala hiking under the blazing sun for hours to visit the churches in the aldeas. Thankfully, it was one of the most common and curable forms of skin cancer which especially affects fair skinned, blond, blue eyes people (that is me). The cancerous tissue was removed
and the wound healed nicely. Thank you for praying for me and for
your concern.
Spiritually, it is hard to say how we are doing. By looking through human eyes we could say we are doing fine. However, our eyes are rather dim and our vision distorted and we need to see things through God's eyes. We know as well that we are not what we should be. The older we get the more we see our weaknesses and imperfections... our sinfulness. When looking at our children this become altogether more apparent as we see our sinfulness often reflected in them. The Christian
life is a struggle to remain on course as our fervor all too often wains. We find ourselves spending too much time and energy on the things of this life and not on the things of the life to come. Thankfully, God has not given up on us and continues to mold us into the image of His Son.

Related to this we have found a church where we are happy in and growing. For the
first two years we were attending a Presbyterian Church, but our kids
were not really happy there. They were having a hard time fitting in and
connecting with other children. We started attending an English speaking church and we are all very happy there. Lia is involved with teaching the occasional Sunday School. Related to church, we also had the privilege of attending a Korean Presbyterian Church. Our school has a large Korean population (37%) and our children have many friends and classmates who are Korean (9 out of 21). They also spend time at their houses and so we as parents have been getting to know the Korean community little by little. The Korean's are a close knit group, but when we attended their church we were received with open arms. Language was somewhat of a problem although we could get around with our Spanish and English. The service was really nice and it was moving seeing them worship. Lia was quite emotional as it brought back memories of her missionary life in Asia (my eyes were watering a little as well, but I think it was the dust). After the service was over, we were invited to stay for lunch which consisted of various Korean dishes. A few days after the service we were invited over by a Korean couple for dinner which was very nice. They had wanted to invite us over in the past, but they did not know if we would be willing. They were concerned about how we would communicate because they assumed that we could not speak Spanish very well. It is nice to get to know the parents of the friends of our children.