Vilma the Director |

Yesterday was the second day of training for the teachers. We are working through a book titled "Principles of Christian Teaching". While the book is focused more on a teacher for Sunday school there are many things that apply to teaching in general. The response of the teacher has been good. We had a number of good discussions surrounding the first lesson which was on the "Law of the teacher: knowledge" especially on the topic of spiritual maturity from Hebrew 5 where the Bible speaks about elementary doctrines and teachings and comparing it to milk. The writer of Hebrews exhorts believers to mature and move beyond these elementary teachings and doctrines like baptism and the end times, etc. It is interesting to note that often amongst believers even today these elementary doctrines are the focus of many of our discussions and disagreements. Please pray for the teachers that they may mature in their faith and walk with God.
Julio Cardenas- Director of the Hospital |
We also had Julio Cardenas the directors of the hospital in Cubulco come in to speak briefly on the services that hospital offers. We want to partner more with hospital in promoting healthcare and its services in the communities where our teachers work. We also will be partnering with the hospital with regards to services for students who attend our learning center. It is a real blessing to have the AMG hospital in Cubulco and to be able to partner with them so that we can work together to advance the kingdom of God here in Cubulco.