On August 23, 3 days before we moved into our home, Nico and Ellen started school. The school called Christian Academy of Guatemala (CAG) is a minute from our house. The kids are very happy there and enjoy their teacher Miss Amy. Nico and Ellen's class has 14 kids in total. As parents we are impressed with the school. It has high standards and has everything and in some areas even more than many North American schools. What we like the most is that most of the teachers are missionaries who are supported by North American churches and they are committed not only to challenge the students academically, but also spiritually. To them the school is their mission field. They understand that the parents of many of the missionary kids have many challenges in their ministry. Another thing that we appreciate about the school is that our kids learn Spanish as a second language. Please pray for the school and for Nico and Ellen as they study. So far they are doing very well in school. Their report cards were outstanding because they both scored high marks. They were almost identical. We are thankful for that and also that they are self motivated. After they come home from school they both usually do their homework right away without having to say anything to them. They are quite self sufficient. They have even gone so far as to get their own lunch and snack ready for school. We are quite impressed.