At the Zoo! |
Before Christmas my parents came for two weeks. It was nice to have them come and visit for a while. This was their third trip to Guatemala. I spent a good portion of the time they were here working even though the AMG office was closed for two weeks at the end of the year. My parents arrived on Saturday the 17th at noon. On Sunday we went to the Presbyterian church and on Monday we headed to Cubulco for a few days. Lia and the kids stayed behind in the city since they did not want to go twice during the Christmas break. We spent four days in Cubulco and my parents spent most of their time relaxing while I had meetings to attend and work to do in preparation of 2012. The end and the beginning of a year are always the busiest times because budgets need to be prepared, reviews need to be done, and planning needs to take place. Then the new plans need to be implemented and people hired, etc.

After our week in Cubulco we were able to head off for 3 days and we
visited Panajachel and Xela. Lia and the kids came along for this trip
but we did not all enjoy our time because several of us became sick. It
started with Tristan on the first day and the following day passed on
to Lia. When we got back home little Nico got sick and then finally I
did. Regardless of the sickness and the busyness we had an enjoyable
time. Apart from visiting Panajachel and Xela we went to the zoo and
spent a half a day in Antigua. Mom and dad left for home just before
New Years. It is a real blessing having parents who love and care for
you and most of all who love the Lord. We hope that they will be able
to come down and visit us on a regular basis. That invitation is also
for any one of you who reads this blog. You are more than welcome to
come down and visit and see what Guatemala is like and what the mission
work is all about.
Antigua |